Editing text: VS Code#
User types
This page is useful for user type 4 and 5.
VS Code is a text editor with some extra features, such as integrated source control and a file browser. Moreover, extensions are available to add functionality to VS Code.
VS Code can be downloaded from here. The installation is fairly simple and won’t be covered here.
When working with Jupyter Book (or Notebooks in general), these extensions are highly recommended:
User type 4-5:
MyST-Markdown - adds support for MyST markdown, including previews.
Spell checker - Spelling checker for source code and text
User type 5
YAML - enables validation of
files (the format of the Jupyter Book configuration files).Python - for obvious reasons. Also includes Jupyter Notebook rendering.
GitHub Copilot - Your AI pair progammer
Jupyter Cell Tags - Jupyter Cell Tags support